Wife of Loki, Sigyn is the goddess of fertility and bonds. Dedicated and loyal, she stays with her husband during his final punishment. Vali kept him bound to avenge the death of his brother, and Skadi hung a venomous snake over his mouth. Sigyn catches the venom in a bowl. When she turns to empty the contents, a drop reaches his mouth. As he convulses from the poison, earthquakes shake the world.
Laundry Service
Wife of Loki, Sigyn is the goddess of fertility and bonds. Dedicated and loyal, she stays with her husband during his final punishment. Vali kept him bound to avenge the death of his brother, and Skadi hung a venomous snake over his mouth. Sigyn catches the venom in a bowl. When she turns to empty the contents, a drop reaches his mouth. As he convulses from the poison, earthquakes shake the world.
Laundry Service
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